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 The blog of the GSV 

GSV News

GSV News

GSV Writers discuss Writing Reviews

Bill Barlow
Expiry Date
12 January, 2025
Louise Wilson and GSV Writers (Photo. G. Nicholas)


Friday 10 March

Writing Reviews: basics and a touch of the unexpected

Gayle Nicholas.

It was hot in Melbourne on 1 March as members of the GSV Writers Circle gathered for their monthly discussion at Emirates House for the last time. The conversation was initially dominated by the imminent change in location of the Society and some members were recalling previous GSV locations, such as Block Arcade.

The focus of this meeting was on Book Reviews, and under Louise Wilson’s adept leadership books had been selected, reviews planned or pondered on, or already written.

Louise was well prepared and there was much for members of the group to think about. Members’ reasons for choosing books for the session included prior knowledge of the author and personal or research connections to people and places featuring in the selected book. The discussion soon moved to whether our choices were helping us as writers. Discussion emerged on the need to found writing in research and to use citations as members had come across family histories without sources. The cusp between history and creative writing, an area of ongoing interest to writers, was also raised.

The group was challenged by a question regarding the impact on target readers of titles and covers. The newly released Victoria the Queen has a cover appealing to current day readers and is receiving favourable reviews.   Louise placed book reviews in time and place. Mary Durack’s Kings in Grass Castles has received less impressive reviews in recent times while continuing to maintain sales.

‘Should authors review books?’ asked Louise after sharing her own experiences as a reviewer. Louise argued that authors bring something extra to reviewing because of their experience and that reviews should incorporate the intellectual and emotional responses of the reviewer. Discussion extended to whether and how authors should respond directly to reviewers. Examples of responses generally considered appropriate, and others not so appropriate, were weighed up.

Most reviews written for this session were based on Ancestor publishing requirements.   Discussion of Ancestor’s practice of publishing reviews of (recently released?) genealogical resources rather than family histories may well have sown seeds of change.

A newly animated group of writers dispersed into the Library and the hot city with new thoughts and questions to ponder. The next meeting will be in the new GSV premises.



GSV Research and Education Centre

Bill Barlow
Expiry Date
12 January, 2025


Sunday 5 March

From 4 April 2017, GSV will be located at 85 Queen St Melbourne (in centre of picture), on Level 6. This will be known as the GSV Research and Education Centre.

(Photo. M. Playne 2017)


Lease signed for GSV's new home

Bill Barlow
Expiry Date
12 January, 2025

28 February 2017

We have now signed the formal lease documentation for our new Centre at Level 6, 85 Queen Street, and will gradually move in over the last three weeks of March, opening our doors on TUESDAY 4 APRIL. Orientation meetings have been arranged for our Volunteers to assist them with the delivery of our Member services in our new home. We have commenced the cleanup of our current premises in anticipation of packing our books and other items during the week commencing Monday 13 March. Thank you to those who are currently helping us with our move. Quite a few additional volunteers will be needed to help in various ways. If you are available to assist during the period from Monday 6 March through to Monday 3 April, please email your availability to Allan Aberdeen, who is in charge of the overall management of this process or Claire Johnson via

New premises for the GSV announced

Bill Barlow
Expiry Date
12 January, 2025

10 February 2017

David Down, GSV President, announced on 10 February, that the GSV has located new premises for its offices at Level 6, 85 Queen Street, Melbourne. This will be known as the 'GSV Research and Education Centre'.

The current Collins Street location will be closed from, and including, Monday 13 March. The new Centre in Queen Street is planned to open for weekday operations from TUESDAY 4 APRIL and Saturday access will begin on 22 April. GSV looks forward to welcoming you at its new Centre.

Construction Update 3

Bill Barlow
Expiry Date
12 January, 2025

Here is Construction update 3 for the GSV building at Emirates House 257 Collins Street, Melbourne. Also includes is a Construction zone plan.

Please note we shall be open as usual during this construction. In particular the Scottish Ancestry Group meeting will be held 1.00 - 3.00 pm this Saturday 26 November. Also there will be a class covering ScotlandsPeople - The New Website to be held 1.30 - 2.30 pm on Monday 29 November. For more details go to our Current and Upcoming Events


Bill Barlow
Expiry Date
12 January, 2025

As part of Melbourne Tartan Festival come to GENEALOGY DAY at the GSV.


An introduction to family research with guidance from experienced volunteer researchers from The Genealogical Society of Victoria Inc. (GSV)

The GSV is your best destination if you have an interest in researching your family history. Tracing your ancestry is fascinating and rewarding but can be tricky at times, so let us help. Our centrally located Research & Education Centre is in Melbourne where you can work with our experienced volunteer research assistants. With their guidance, you can efficiently organise and record the family information you already hold. Then you can investigate our many resources and background information to find new information and fill in the gaps.

On this Genealogy Day there are two morning sessions which will be repeated in the afternoon.


Session 1 -"An introductory talk" is free. Book here

Session 2 with guidance from an experienced researcher. Ticket price $10.00 pp. Book here



Session 3 "An introductory talk" is free. Book here

Session 4 with guidance from an experienced researcher. Ticket price $10 pp. Book here

This festival is jointly sponsored by the Victorian Scottish Heritage Cultural Foundation and the Scots of Victoria co-ordinating Group.

Don't miss out on this opportunity.



It's not too late to enter the Victorian Community History Awards 2018

Bill Barlow
Expiry Date
12 January, 2025

This year marks the 20th Victorian Community History Awards.

Your research of a family story may add considerably to our understanding of some part of Victoria's history. You are invited to enter a work or project by 20 July.  

The Victorian Community History Awards recognise excellence in historical method. Subject matter is limited to history primarily relating to the State of Victoria or projects that encourage greater access to Victorian collections. The Victorian Community History Awards have been held since 1999, and are proudly presented by Public Record Office Victoria and the Royal Historical Society of Victoria (RHSV). This year the $5000 award has been renamed the Victorian Premier’s History Award.

The diverse award categories acknowledge that history can be told in a variety of formats with the aim of reaching and enriching all Victorians. The awards cover apps, projects, multimedia and articles,

as well as the more regular books. One year a bridge with interpretative panels won.

Entries close 2pm Friday 20 July 2018.

Entries should have been created between 1 July 2017 and 30 June 2018. The conditions of entry and entry forms can be found on the RHSV website:

Find out more HERE.


Postscript:   GSV historians win RHSV Trivia Night

Seven enthusiastic GSV representatives braved the wintry Friday night to attend the RHSV Trivia Night on 22 June.  Having been made very welcome by our RHSV hosts we took up our seats at Table No. 4 to enjoy the evening and a tasty array of snacks, and a glass or two of wine.  We got off to a good start, running second after the first round.  We fielded a wide range of topics and tricky questions and fell into fourth place.  However all stops were pulled out in the fourth and fifth round and some fine sporting knowledge had us regain a competitive position.  In the final quiz element of the night and with the combined efforts of all, but especially of Vicki and Simon, we correctly answered all questions to come up with the winning answer and the big prize.  Yes, we took FIRST PRIZE! Congratulations Vicki, David, Simon, Meg, Leonie, Stephen, and Tony. 

Our thanks to RHSV for a fun event and if RHSV decide to run the event next year, we will have a title to defend.  



Are you from up north?

Bill Barlow
Expiry Date
12 January, 2025

The Northern English Counties Discussion Circle will meet on Tuesday 10 July at 12.30 pm. There will be two brief presentations outlining the resources available to assist those researching ancestors who were agricultural labourers or employed in shipbuilding and allied industries. General discussion will follow. All members of GSV are welcome as part of your membership.

'Angel of the North'. Artist: Antony Gormley, at Gateshead, Tyne and Wear, 1998


We are an enthusiastic group who meet on the 2nd Tuesday of the month (except January), to discuss research and share interests in the North of England, covering the counties of Northumberland, Westmorland, Durham, Yorkshire and Cumberland. For anyone who has ancestors in this region, whether you are just starting out or have been researching for a number of years, we can help.



Rare Book Week at GSV

Bill Barlow
Expiry Date
12 January, 2025

We are hosting two free talks at the GSV Research & Education Centre as part of Rare Book Week. This is a good opportunity to visit the GSV Centre and hear two interesting presentations - but you do need to book.

The first on Tuesday 3 July, 12.00 pm - 1.00 pm is: 

Preservation of books, photographs and paper-based items.

Conservator, Debra Parry will provide information on how materials deteriorate and how to handle, store and display such items to preserve them for the future.

Then on Thursday 5 July at 12.00 pm - 1.00 pm, Douglas Heywood will present: 

'Guests of the Unspeakable' : The letters and diary of Warrant Officer 1, William Scott Heywood, POW Thai Burma Railway and Japan 
WO1 William Scott Heywood, 1941. (Photo courtesy of Doug Heywood)


Doug's talk will cover :-
The Prelude: his letters to his girlfriend/wife before his departure to Singapore.
The Journey: his letters while stationed at Malacca prior to the fall of Singapore.
A Prisoner: his diary as a POW in Burma from July 1942 – March 1944
At home: correspondence to his wife from the Defence Force and friends.
These previously unpublished, rare materials mention over 150 personnel names.  
Both these events are FREE as part of Rare Book Week and are open to all. Bookings essential, in person at GSV, email to, by phone (03) 9662 4455 or register via the website  HERE.

We need your help to get better computers for your research

Bill Barlow
Expiry Date
12 January, 2025

Announcing GSV's fundraising appeal for new faster computers and widescreen monitors to help your research.

GSV is launching an appeal to raise $15,000 to purchase new faster computers for our Research & Education Centre and for an important IT upgrade.  The main aim is to purchase new widescreen monitors, wireless keyboards and mice and faster computers to replace our 10 year old stalwarts.  This will improve the experience of members undertaking research at Queen St and the IT upgrade will help those using on-line access from home.

GSV very much appreciates the ongoing commitment of our members and supporters.  We would be delighted to receive your support for our fundraising appeal and remember that all donations of $2 or more are tax deductible. 

Donations can be made through our website (refer to the DONATE NOW tab at the bottom of the web homepage) or click here DONATE HERE, by cheque, telephone or in person at our office.  

GSV needs you! Help us help you. 


Again, thank you for your membership and support.

GSV Council