International Settlers Group (ISG)(Non-British Research)

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Please note this Group is in recess, more details soon.

A Service Group of the Genealogical Society of Victoria 

Postal Address: Hon. Secretary International Settlers Group, C/- GSV,
Level 1, 10 Queen Street, Melbourne 3000 AUSTRALIA


Phone: 03 9662 4455 

Enquiries: Michael Rumpff                                                                   

Aims of the group

  • Compile and collate genealogical research information on the non-British countries.
  • Assist Subscribers with their research activities through correspondence, newsletters and for GSV members, articles in 'Ancestor' the official journal of the GSV.
  • Increase the holdings of the Society's Library relating to non-British research.
  • Sharing experience and resources with Newsletter Subscribers.

The International Settlers Group offers you:

  • Assistance with your research problems in Australia and overseas.
  • A chance to meet and get to know fellow members and to exchange activities and ideas.
  • Newsletter published regularly giving activities of the International Settlers Group (ISG), articles of interest and various reports.
  • The opportunity to further your genealogical knowledge through the use of records available within the ISG.
  • Guidance as to the records held in the Genealogical Society of Victoria (GSV) library, which may assist you in your particular area of research.
  • The chance to include details relating to your ancestors in our "Members Interest Directory" which is updated on a continuous basis and published in the Newsletter.
  • An opportunity to contribute information in Our Newsletter.

The International Settlers Group Newsletter (Quarterly)

It is published  quarterly in January, April, July and October. It is recommended reading for any person with an interest in non-British genealogical research.

Membership Subscription: Suspended                                                                     


  • Held quarterly on the third Saturday in February, May, August and November.

Future meetings: (held via Zoom)

February 18 2023: Our guest speaker will be Robert Nash (from Sydney, Secretary of Huguenot Society of Australia) who will present a talk about the Huguenot people.  Rober is a descendant of the Huguenot silk weavers from Sedan in the Ardennes (Northeast France), who settled in London's west end in the 18th Century.  The Huguenots were Protestants who were persecuted for their religious beliefs during the 16th to 18th Century and were forced to flee France  Robert has edited (and partly written) 2 books on the Huguenot families living in Australia. This talk was originally scheduled for August 2022.

The International Settlers Group (ISG) does research for its subscribers and other interested parties, under the auspices of the Research Services GSV and at the same rates, which are:- Members $30.00 per hour (inc GST) Non Members $50.00 per hour (inc GST) + photocopying charges and postal charges where applicable. Please enclose sae for initial inquiry. Address to Hon. Secretary ISG or email:  

Last updated on 09 Feb 2023 @ 8:16 pm by 17229