Submitting an article

We welcome the submission of articles on family history topics for possible publication in our journal. We especially encourage new writers and we look for, and appreciate, stories and research which break new ground.

Articles should be written in a clear, approachable style and be of interest to our readers. 
Articles should be up to 2400 words in length.
Articles with images are preferred.
At the end of the article include a list of all surnames mentioned. Include an email address if you would like readers to be able to contact you.
In preparing your article, please see our Guidelines for authors 

We do not publish articles of historical fiction.  


Submissions should be the work of the author submitting the article and should not have been published elsewhere unless agreed. 
In consultation with the author, the editors may edit articles to meet space constraints and editorial considerations. 
Copyrights and any necessary permission must be obtained by authors for any third party material and images used in their articles. 

How to submit

Please submit text as Microsoft™ Word doc or docx files. Hard copies will not be accepted.
Articles can be submitted at any time.   
Each image should be sent as a separate jpeg or tiff file scanned at 300 dpi minimum. 
Clearly identify images - give each a number and title. For details, see ‘Images and Captions’ in Guidelines for authors.
Please do not include images within the text. 
Note that images taken from the internet are often unsuitable for print reproduction and may not be out of copyright. 

How we will respond

We will acknowledge receipt of your article. The article will be reviewed by the editorial team and if it is considered suitable, a member of the editorial team will work with the author prior to publication. Space constraints may mean that edited articles have to be held over until a later issue.

Where to send

All material should be submitted in electronic format by email to
Provide your name and preferred contact details including a phone number.

Any questions

If you have any questions, or would like to discuss a possible article, please contact the editorial team by email to

Printed copies:

If you want a printed copy of Submitting an article, please click on this link for a printer friendly view.

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Last updated on 01 Feb 2023 @ 3:44 pm by Anne NOLAN