Family History Matters 
 The blog of the GSV 

Australian Servicemen buried in Belgrade: Can you help find their families?

Expiry Date
22 February, 2025

An Anzac Day ceremony will take place on 25 April 2023 at the War Cemetery in Belgrade where twenty-seven Australians servicemen from World War Two are buried. Three Australians are planning to travel there to attend the ceremony: Kathy Hancock and Richard Cooke, whose great aunt and grandmother respectively served as a medical officer and Nursing Sister with the Serbs, and myself, Bojan Pajic.  The Australian Embassy is having my book Australians with Serbs in World War One translated into Serbian to distribute in Serbia and we will be in Belgrade for the launch of that Serbian-language edition.

Before our departure, we would like to contact any surviving family of these buried Australians to inform them that we will be visiting the graves of their forebears and to ask whether they would like us to do anything whilst at the cemetery, such as placing sprigs of rosemary or poppies on the graves and taking photos. We hope to take some video film in Serbia to possibly make a documentary about the theme and our visit; in which case we could also provide current families with links to such videos.

We would appreciate help to find the families of these Australians and would ask them to get in touch with us on this email address:

The service and sacrifice of Australians who served with the Serbs in World War One will also be commemorated at the Anzac Day ceremony. See this link for information:!AjB3nikUeHiakLN353FDJyh_6Xv8fg

Hoping you can help.

Bojan Pajic

Australian buried in War Cemetery, Belgrade

Last known family addresses from the Commonwealth War Graves Commission