Family History Matters 
 The blog of the GSV 

British India Discussion Circle meeting by Zoom on 16 May at 7:30 pm afgahsj ajajhhdsksksk ajajjakk alallala

Expiry Date
16 October, 2024

Did you know that the following words have something in common? Bungalow, thug, yoga, bangle, shampoo. They are all words that came into common English usage from India. Over the four centuries of close association between England and India, many words of Indian origin were adopted into English.

Clare Claydon will give a presentation on English words from India to the GSV British India Discussion Circle and a participant discussion will follow on what these words reveal to us about England, India, imperialism and society during the Raj.

The close historic links between the British in India and Australia, and the current importance of India to Australia, suggest that this topic will also be of interest to many GSV members (especially the writers amongst us!), not just those with a genealogical interest in India.

To receive the Zoom invitation link please log into the GSV Members area of our website and then register to attend the event.

Clare Claydon