Family History Matters 
 The blog of the GSV 

GSV's 'Ancestor' journal in print and online in September

Bill Barlow
Expiry Date
12 January, 2025

From the Keyboard of the President

I am very pleased to let you know that providing the June edition of Ancestor in digital form for most members has saved almost $5,000 in costs (mostly postage). This is a huge contribution to both getting us through this extended lockdown period and the ongoing financial sustainability of the GSV.

As previously advised, for the September edition of Ancestor we are reverting back to a mailed copy for all members.


However, many members have commented that they preferred the digital form for many reasons, including the cost-savings for the GSV and the environmental benefits of reduced production and distribution of the paper copies.

If you would prefer to continue to access the September and future editions of Ancestor in digital form, please email to let us know and we’ll update your Ancestor delivery preference in our membership system.  As with the June edition, the September and future editions of Ancestorwill be available on-line to all members in our extensive digital Ancestor library, through the Flipbook and PDF links in the Members Area of GSV’s website.

Having members switch to the digital Ancestor will help us continue the important cost-savings and environmental benefits, all of which are very much appreciated. However, we fully understand that many members still prefer to receive the mailed copy.

You only need to email us at you would like to change to the digital format. 

We look forward to hearing from you. Take care.


Jenny Redman

President GSV