Have you listened to any of the GSV webcasts?
Membership of the GSV brings with it several benefits, many of which can be accessed in the comfort of your own home. The GSV webcasts, for example, can be downloaded and listened to at your convenience. In addition, many of these are accompanied by a downloadable PDF document outlining the content of the webcast.
At present there are over 170 webcasts available, covering topics ranging from the subject-specific (e.g. The history of Maldon and its gold discoveries; Women at work in Victoria: in public service and during war times) to research advice, covering Australia, New Zealand, England, Ireland, Scotland, Wales, Poland, India, Sweden, France, South Africa, China, the Netherlands and more; to general genealogical advice (Methodology, research techniques and citations; Preservation of books, photographs and paper based items).
Have a look at the range of talks available in the GSV CATALOGUE : search by putting "webcast" (without quote marks) in the Call No box.
Listen to a sample webcast: Research in Tasmania, presented by Meg Bate from the Catalogue - CLICK HERE
Apart from these webcast talks, there's lots more help for you at home as a GSV Member, on your family history journey.