Family History Matters 
 The blog of the GSV 

A family history takes shape

Bill Barlow
Expiry Date
13 January, 2025


23 March 2017

At the next GSV Writers Circle meeting (for members) on 5 April at our new Research and Education Centre, the group will discuss and offer suggestions on draft pieces of family history writing submitted by two of the Group. One of this month's writers can rarely attend the Group as she lives interstate, but she still joins in and benefits from the GSV Writers Circle by way of email. She writes: 'I circulated this story at the end of last year. I received one small correction and a detailed and very helpful review... I am re-circulating it again for discussion at the April meeting. Much [extra research] has happened in the almost six month since I wrote it... Whilst I had intended to make only small changes now and to wait until after the April meeting to revise the story, I have done a little more than I originally intended and also worked on the majority of [the previous] suggestions... While I was writing the background to [this] life I realised that the two-generation story was more interesting.' Where else can you receive knowledgeable help with your writing - the GSV Writers Circle includes many published writers - at no additional cost to your GSV membership? The aim of this GSV group is to help its members turn their research into accurate and readable stories. Your research deserves to be told and kept for the future.