Family History Matters 
 The blog of the GSV 

DNA Black Friday Sales

Bill Barlow
Expiry Date
05 December, 2024

The DNA Black Friday Sales are now in full swing.

Should you take advantage of any of the sales? Which DNA test should you take?

Decisions about accepting AncestryDNA's offer should be made before midnight (AEDT) Monday 27 November 2017. That's not very far away. Click this link for more information:

AncestryDNA's Sale

My Heritage offers the same test as AncestryDNA and their sale also finishes this coming Monday, 27 November. Click the following link for more details:

My Heritage's Sale

Don't worry if you miss AncestryDNA and My Heritage's tight timeline. FamilyTreeDNA offers the same test (which they call Family Finder).

FamilyTreeDNA's sale ends 31 December 2017. You may also find it convenient to package a Family Finder test with the Y DNA and mtDNA tests offered by FamilyTreeDNA. Click the following link for more information:

FamilyTreeDNA's Sale

Here a few hints and some general information that may help you make your decision.

If you haven't taken a DNA test before and are merely curious then purchase a test for the biggest database - AncestryDNA. It seems logical that the larger the database the more likely you are to get results. You can download your AncestryDNA test to other testing companies further increasing your chances of getting DNA matches. The reverse doesn't apply. You cannot upload a test from another company to AncestryDNA.

If you are interested in your ethnicity then estimates of your ethnicity are included in tests provided by AncestryDNA, FamilyTreeDNA (in their Family Finder test) and My Heritage. The comments below about National Geographic and Living DNA may also apply here.

If you have a brick wall on your father's direct line consider starting with a Y-67 test from FamilyTreeDNA. If you are REALLY, REALLY serious about researching your father's line then Family Tree have packaged their Y DNA and their Big Y together for this sale. Read more about this offer here:

Why the Big Y test

Join a project first

This Y DNA and Big Y offer comes with risks. The first of which is understanding the best way to take advantage of the offer! Sometimes, and Y DNA is one of those times, it is better to do things in baby steps.

And this is one package you need to convert the offer to Australian dollars to see what the upfront cost is. Doing the same thing over a few years is less painful to the hip pocket (though still painful let me assure you).

If you have a brick wall along your direct maternal line then look at FamilyTreeDNA's mtFull Sequence. However, I've yet to see anyone with a good match with mtDNA. This is because the mutation rate is so very slow. All I'm saying is don't get your hopes up with mtDNA tests.

If you are REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, REALLY curious about paleo anthropology or your ancient origins consider testing with National Geographic and with Living DNA.

However, National Geographic's sale only applies to US kits. Click the following link for more information:

Geno 2

Living DNA are the new kid on the block and they ARE publishing a discounted price. Click here for more information:

Living DNA

Both Geno 2 and Living DNA offer more information than is given with FamilyTreeDNA's Y DNA and mitochondrial DNA tests but nevertheless are still expensive when compared to some of the other tests. So, ladies find a brother to take these tests for you.

Having decided which test or tests you wish to purchase there are some other things worth considering.

Tests purchased now can be used later. If you are going to a big family reunion in 2018 or 2019 consider purchasing some tests now for on the spot testing at the reunion. 

Include freight in your calculations.

FamilyTreeDNA and National Geographic quote in $US. The current exchange rate is about $US 1.00 to $AUD 1.30.