Family History Matters 
 The blog of the GSV 

Did you miss the talk on Victorian Land Titles?

Bill Barlow
Expiry Date
13 January, 2025

When looking for Land Titles and researching land ownership, should you start at the beginning, the end, or somewhere in between?

Land Titles span Old Law Titles - between 1837 and 2 October 1862 - and New Law / Torrens Title after that. But not all Old Law Titles have been converted to Torrens Titles. This can be complex and if you need to research in this area a knowledgeable guide is of great value.

At GSV in May, Susie Zada gave a very useful presentation on the process of accessing Victorian land records. Susie's presentation - Victorian Land Titles and Documents - was greatly appreciated by the over thirty attendees and covered such aspects as:

- where to start

- how to move from old to new and new to old Land Titles

- where to find the primary records, and

- where to find the secondary records.  

If you need to research in these records you will benefit from Susie's expertise. Even if you missed this talk you can still access the presentation as it is available to GSV Members via the website. You can find it on the catalogue. Searching subject: 'Land' and author: 'Zada' is the easiest way

If you are not a member of course that is easy to fix. Go to our website here.


Susie Zada blogs at I just love history