Family History Matters 
 The blog of the GSV 

Discover the '1696 Association Oath Rolls for Cornwall' at GSV

Bill Barlow
Expiry Date
23 February, 2025

GSV has purchased a wonderful new publication to help our Cornwall researchers.  The 1696 Association Oath Rolls for Cornwall lists around 11,500 Cornish men who took an oath in defence of the realm following a failed assassination plot on the life of King William III.  The rolls list the men by parish/town as well as two extensive lists of tinners.  Some effort was made to group men by family, which may provide new insights for your research.  The publication includes a comprehensive introduction to the events of 1696 and the analysis of the rolls by the editors.

The SWERD meeting on Friday 12 October (12:30 at GSV) will discuss the background to the Oath Rolls and how this new resource can be used in your research.

We will also be discussing resources to help you research ‘the times’ of your ancestors in Cornwall, Devon, Dorset and Somerset.  How can you find out about local events that directly impacted their lives?  What are the best and/or your favourite books and other records covering the histories and events in the four south-west counties?  We'll prepare a list of the resources discussed at the meeting for future reference in your research.


SWERD is a group for GSV Members. Find out more on our website and it's not too late to join GSV and SWERD before this interesting session on Friday.