Family History Matters 
 The blog of the GSV 

The perfect Christmas gift!

Bill Barlow
Expiry Date
23 February, 2025

How often do we hear that someone wishes they had asked their older relatives more questions about the family?


Many of your relatives have memories and knowledge of the family that would be highly valued if recorded. Unmarked photographs could be identied and saved with some prompting.


You could help unlock these memories and give someone in your family hours of fun and interest. 


This Christmas consider giving a Gift Membership of the Genealogical Society of Victoria.


With the gift of a GSV Membership someone in your family could benefit from volunteers and research assistants to help them track down family facts. They may like to join any of the Special interest groups and discussion circles - making new friends sharing problems and discoveries. 


Do they need another set of bathroom products or a bottle of wine? Well, maybe, but this Gift may be a gift for the whole family.


Just ring the GSV office on (03) 9662 4455 and speak to Linda or one of our friendly volunteers to arrange this.


See our website for more details about Membership BENEFITS HERE.


Gift sorted!

