Family History Matters 
 The blog of the GSV 

COVID-19 virus and the GSV: update

Bill Barlow
Expiry Date
23 February, 2025



Update from Jenny Redman, GSV President


On Monday March 23 it was decided that the GSV Centre, both the library and the office, would close from today Wed March 25 until further notice.


All member queries to the GSV are to be directed to the email: 

Staff will continue to work from home.

Subscriptions can be paid by usual methods excepting via telephone


Research Requests including quick lookups will be processed where possible.


We will endeavour to maintain regular contact with our members and provide them with updates and information to help with doing their family history research at home. We are currently working on supplying more online content for members, so keep an eye on the website for updates.


Please keep safe and enjoy the time at home doing your family history


Jenny Redman




Family Historian told to stay home indefinitely and work on family history!


There are such a lot of family history projects that I have on my to-do list that this current edict sounds like an unbelievable opportunity - if it wasn't also tinged with great concern for our community. Many of us did not directly experience life during  WW2 but, from our parents, we knew about the family deaths, hardships, rationing cards and the long recovery that followed. Helping each other was then, and will be now, the only way forward. 


It is amazing how much we have moved online. Today the Ancestor Edit Team has been working collectively on the articles for the next Ancestor journal. This means our copy has to be finalised by the end of March. The members of the GSV Writers Circle have received one of the writing pieces scheduled for review at the now-cancelled April meeting. Our online forum membershelpmembers is available for any queries and members can check our catalogue and databases from home. I am spending too long on my computer with the MyHeritage Library edition, now also made available for GSV Members to use from home. 


So lots to do - STAY HOME!


The logo for the President Updates shows a laptop computer balanced on a Sands & McDougall Directory. For many years this amalgam of old and new-world technology was a feature of the meeting room back in our Collins Street offices.

If you would like to publish a family history story on this blog just email me at [Ed.]

