Family History Matters 
 The blog of the GSV 

Thank you volunteers!

Bill Barlow
Expiry Date
12 January, 2025

This week is National Volunteer Week 17-23 May 2021 and we would like to recognise, applaud and celebrate the great work OUR volunteers do at GSV. 


There would be no GSV without our nearly 190 Volunteers.


This past year has been very testing, especially for members who have not been able to get out and share their interests with as many happy, smiling people as before. With the help of our volunteers, the GSV changed gear and ran events and other services online. It has been amazing to see more distant members participating from afar, when previously, travel distance would have prevented this. 


We can particularly thank our IT-savvy vols who kept the show running and devised ways to proceed with Zoom meetings and talks, often with increased numbers; our membershelpmembers online forum, which we launched before COVID; our Facebook sites and even our digital editions of Ancestor journal. 


Thanks to all our conveners, guest presenters and content-producers who had to adapt to online communication - rearranging their home offices to look 'appropriate' (blurring or adding virtual backdrops) and managing small children or partners who suddenly appeared 'in shot'.


On top of all this the GSV had to move to new premises - which is now open and welcoming visitors! Despite Zoom, the past year also showed us how important face-to-face contacts are in our lives. We would love to see more of you pop in. 


This year, a very big thanks go to our volunteer President and Councillors who had to locate new suitable premises and arrange our move. And our staff also volunteered working from home to keep our Society flourishing. Thank you.


On behalf of all our members and everyone in the wider world of genealogy we acknowledge your enormous contribution and thank you.


Last year I put on virtual cake, but this year I have found a champagne fruit punch for you! 



If you would like join in as a Volunteer contact Linda or our vols at our reception or go to our website to read more about volunteering with us. 


Celebration fruit punch image courtesy of Nagi at RecipeTinEats