Family History Matters 
 The blog of the GSV 

We Need Your Help

Expiry Date
11 January, 2025

We Need Your Help

GSV’s membership fees are kept as low as possible, largely through the enormous number of hours given freely and willingly by many volunteers. But like many organisations and individuals, the GSV is experiencing increasing costs.

Our membership fees cover our operating expenses, but they do not stretch to covering the rising costs of our IT infrastructure and the storage of our digitised records and resources. We are asking you to please consider making a donation to help us continue to ensure that your GSV is able to provide all its existing and new services to you and other members.

Our electronic storage equipment is our behind-the-scenes “hero”, always there, running 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 12 months a year. It is at the heart of the services we offer. We must regularly upgrade our electronic equipment. We need funds to do this.

We must maintain state of the art software to ensure optimal use of our equipment, and this is becoming more costly. For example, our storage service providers have increased prices for the provision of our online services and the cloud storage of digitised records, all of which we need to improve remote access to our information and services. We need funds to ensure we can do this.

We also want to upgrade GSV’s website, to provide you with easier and improved access to GSV’s records, resources and services. We need funds to do this.

As we continue to emerge from the past two years of unprecedented and unanticipated change due to Covid, we are facing huge increased demands for information from all our existing and new online services. In order to continue to increase the services available to you and all our members, we need your support.

Donations to GSV are tax-deductible and can be made online through the Donate Now link on the GSV website homepage, by a call to the GSV with your credit card details, or by a cheque in the mail.

Whichever way you choose we will really appreciate your financial support, large or small, to help us meet these costs, upgrade our website and further improve our services and offerings to members.

Would you be able to do something before the end of June?

Many thanks.

Stephen Hawke
