Family History Matters 
 The blog of the GSV 

Interested in Oral History?

Expiry Date
23 February, 2025

The topic for the GSV Writers Circle meeting next week is Oral History.

It seems to be a hot topic at the moment, cropping up in many other discussion circles.

This meeting will be an active participation session, with members sharing their experiences.

Some will share resources and techniques they have used, and how they have used the oral history in their family research.

The questions we’ve asked circle members in advance are:

  1. Have you done any oral history?
  2. Did it work? If so, please share what you did.
  3. If not, why do you think it didn’t?
  4. Are there pitfalls others of us can avoid.
  5. Did you write / type / record it? How do you think that went?

Our discussion circles are GSV member-only events. You are welcome to attend even if you are not a current member of the Writers Circle. Please come prepared to share on the day. Don’t forget to register on the Events page.