Membership - FAQs

Membership FAQs

How will I know when my annual membership is due?

A renewal notice will be sent when your membership payment is due. Your Ancestor mailing label also includes your 'renewed to' date.  You can log in to the Member's area of the GSV website and click on View My Details at the top of the screen.  You can renew your membership from that page too. 

For any queries regarding your membership contact (03) 9662 4455 or send us an email.

How are cards used?

We encourage all members to wear some form of name identification, either a membership card or a stick on label as it helps all members working together in the Library.

Why do I need to sign?

By having you sign in as you arrive, the GSV gains reliable statistical data from which we can improve our knowledge of how to better serve you, our members.  It is also important for the GSV to know who has been on the premises from a Public Health perspective.

Last updated on 30 Aug 2022 @ 9:55 am by Mick Collopy