Early English Discussion Circle

The Early English Discussion Circle is for GSV members who are researching in England in the period before 1800.


To assist GSV members in their pre 1800 English research. 
i.e. the period before the census and civil registration records of the 19th century

Bi-monthly meetings provide the opportunity for members to

  • discuss the ‘brick walls’ in their pre 1800 research so that the Circle can provide helpful suggestions
  • learn about new sources and websites relevant to their research
  • gain an understanding of pre 1800 records and how to access them (including record types that have ceased to exist by 1800 or have become far less common)
  • learn more about how their English ancestors lived before 1800, including in specific geographic regions and during significant time periods (eg Civil War and Commonwealth period)
  • join in the discussion on the main topic at each meeting (topics are advised in advance).

Who may join?

GSV members who are researching in England before 1800, in at least one of their family lines. The Circle is open only to GSV Members as part of their annual subscription.  There is no additional fee.  Members receive an email copy of the monthly meeting notes and copies of the meetings' materials


The Circle meets by Zoom at 1:30 to 3:00pm on the first Friday of the month (bi-monthly).  Check the GSV website’s ‘All Events’ page for details and to register for the meetings.

How to join

GSV members can simply register to attend meetings and receive the Zoom log-in details by email.  We encourage members to subscribe (for free) to the Early English Discussion Circle Notice Board to received (by email) notices and reminders for meetings as well as copies of the meeting presentations and notes.

Email: GSV admin – phone 9662 4455, email eedc@gsv.org.au

Last updated on 30 Aug 2022 @ 4:15 pm by Tom O'DEA